Thursday, May 3, 2007

Disembarkation Day - Ft. Lauderdale, USA


Date:  April 30


Location:  Disembarkation Day – Ft. Lauderdale, USA


Next Port:  None


Report:  Last night we could see lights from the Bahamas, so we knew we were close.


Larry awoke at 4:45 to see the Pilot Boat pulling away from the ship…and then the entrance of Ft. Lauderdale in the distance. We pulled into our berth at about 5:30.


Since departing from here on January 9, the Seven Seas Voyager has sailed a total distance of 34,147 nautical miles (39,296 statute miles) -- visiting 48 ports in 26 countries! We thank Capt. Dag and his sailing crew for their wonderful seamanship that enabled us to safely complete this remarkable journey.


We were off the boat by 9:10 or so, retrieved our luggage, separated the six bags that IPS would ship to our home and climbed into a town car with our checked luggage for the short airport ride to the airport. The check-in through security was a snap and we were at our gate before 10:00.


Our 11:30 flight was on time and American Airlines had us back in warm sunny Chicago 10 minutes early at 1:30 CDT.


It was a terrific trip…one that we would love do again some time in the future.


Larry has to fly to Colorado Springs on Thursday and will be involved in getting caught up with home activities prior to that. However, next week we plan to file one more journal report on our overall experience and photos of the Voyager.


Karen and Larry


Photos of our cruise are available at the following web site: