Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Day 36-37 - At Sea


Date:  Feb 13-14, 2007


Location:  At Sea   


Next Port:  Mahé, Port Victoria, Seychelles, Feb. 15


Quick Summary: We enjoyed two days at sea enroute to the Seychelles…time for reading, cards, friends, lectures and pool/sun time.


Report: We have had two beautiful sunny sea days. Tuesday was a bit choppy, but the seas really smoothed out on Valentines Day.


Yesterday we caught up from our fun day in Amboseli. Before breakfast, we enjoyed the weekly Christian video with our devotional group. Karen played trivia and bingo and also attended a lecture on anti-aging (!). Larry worked on his journal and photos and got in a gym workout. We played cards in the early afternoon and then enjoyed an early dinner in Compass Rose with Barbara and Jim. We skipped the show and came back to the room where we were able to talk for a few minutes to our daughter, Kristin, in New York City. We enjoy these opportunities to hear family voices.


Today, after our devotional group meeting, Karen attended bridge class and a humorous cooking demonstration on making gravlax and Swedish meatballs by Lars, the Hotel Director, and Tobias, the Executive Chef. Larry attended an interesting lecture on the geology of the Indian Ocean and plate tectonics. Both yesterday and today, we enjoyed reading on our private veranda and some sun around the pool. Larry is a happy camper now that friends pass on their Wall Street Journals and International Herald Tribunes. This is much easier than trying to keep up with the news on the Internet. We do get an International CNN feed when we are at sea and a Fox News feed all the time. Unfortunately, we have had far too much coverage on Anna Nicole Smith! (Give us a break!)  We have been able to keep up on the frigid temperatures and snow falls back home. This is the first winter we have been gone for so long…and we are enjoying it!


Our formal Valentines Day evening started off with a gala ball in the theater for the Seven Seas Society. Jamie and his crew decorated it with balloons, candles and a big Valentines Day heart. There were ice sculptures, caviar, shrimp, etc. The band and Elisa entertained…and Jamie sang the final love song. It was a great celebration. We followed this with a special Cordon Bleu dinner in Signatures to help Ken, our new friend from Toronto, celebrate his 60th birthday. We were joined by Kim and Paul.  It was nice of Ken to include us in his special day.


We wrapped up our Valentines Day with a sterling performance by the ship’s Peter Grey Terhune Dancers.  Their show was titled “Poetry in Motion: An Artistic Expression of Movement, Integrating Classic and Modern Day Dance Melodies.”  This group of six young, vivacious dancers brings much enjoyment on the ship.


(We changed our clocks 30 min. yesterday and today…now 10 hours ahead of Chicago.)


Happy Valentines Day everyone!


Karen and Larry



Photos of our cruise are available at the following web site:


Photos from Valentines Day and Ken’s birthday dinner have been added.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Valentine's Day Karen and Larry!   You look so festive in your terrific photos!  Thanks so much for the superb documentary of your trip-of-a-lifetime.    We, too, had to strain to see Mt. Kilimanjaro from Amboseli, and only got a peek at sunrise one morning.   We miss you, but know the time is really scooting along -- and you are indeed missing the 30 below wind chills.  Cathy and Ted